Title 1

8 years ago

Purvis Upper Elementary

Parental Involvement/Title 1 Complaints/Concerns


A complaint/concern is a signed written statement that includes allegations or concerns applicable to the Title 1 Educational Program (LEA Level) and information that supports the complaint/concern.

*Note; Any parent, teacher, or other concerned individual(s) or organization may file a complaint.




Receiving complaints: written complaints may be given to local school principals and filed at the Title 1 office (Central Office).


1. Signature of the complainant is required.


2. The written complaint will then be delivered to the LEA Superintendent's office or Title 1 office by the principal or his/her designee.


3. Upon receipt of the written complaint, the Title 1 Coordinator and the District Supervisor will investigate the complaint in a timely manner consulting with the LEA Superintendent if necessary.

* Written a timely manner, a resolution and written decision acknowledging receipt of the complaint/concern will be rendered by the LEA. (Title 1 Coordinator/designnee)


Contact Person:

*Local School Administrator: (see local school phone numbers)

*Title 1 Coordinator: Mr. Ricky Messick 222-7571

*Parenta; Involvment Coordinator Mrs. Ann Shakespeare 222-7571



Literacy Based Promotion Act

8 years ago

The Mississippi Department of Education is conducting regional informational meetings for parents of Kindergarten through 3rd grade students.  During these sessions, parents are provided an overview of the legislation, as well as strategies that can be used at home to help improve reading outcomes for children. 


To Learn more about these sessions here is a recording that you will find it a useful.


The recording is available at:

No Child Left Behind

8 years ago

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) requires each state to use a
unified accountability model. School, district, and state report cards that
contain the following accountability information must be produced and
made available publicly.

To view the 2011-2012 NCLB Report Cards please click on link below: